Indian School of Music | Indian Music School: Top 4 tips on the series of 7 notes

Friday, 21 September 2012

Top 4 tips on the series of 7 notes

Indian Music School is going to discuss about the concept of Saptak.  Let us discuss what is saptak?

1.Whenever the group of seven musical notes is played in the appropriate ascending order it is called as Saptak. Generally the Sa gets repetitive after Ni in the study of Indian Music Classical Music while learning harmonium.  The occurrence of 2nd Sa is double the occurrence of 1st Sa. Let us talk about the types of Saptak. 

2.Musical Notes of Mandr Saptak are delivered by singing or performed by music in low profound tenor. This encompasses of the saptak that is underneath the minor sa of the madh saptak.

3.Let us discuss about the Madh Saptak.  The standard tenor of human singing which is neither high in pitch nor low in frequency. It is usually defined as middle octave.  This has no sign in the structure of notation.

4.The single greater than madh saptak is taar saptak. The musical notes are high - pitched & piercing. The occurrence of the second Sa is twofold the incidence of the first Sa.  The subsequent Sa is a part or adjunct to taar saptak and in this way the same saptak get repeated.