Indian School of Music | Indian Music School: Top 3 Tips to play Harmonium

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Top 3 Tips to play Harmonium

 Indian Classical Music School in New York is going to discuss some valuable tips & techniques for playing harmonium successfully.  Harmonium is free-reed instrument in which air is forced through the reeds by bellows.   Harmoniums were transported to Republic of India during the British Occupancy, where they rapidly acquired the quality of being widely admired among the Indian instrumentalists.  Nowadays Harmoniums are utilized in extensive variability of Conventional Indian Classical Music; on the other hand they have made their distinguishing symbol in the westerly music as well.

1. You must be seated on the bench in front line of the harmonium & allow to move the metal bar or Fasten with a latch on the side of the bellows.

2.  Supplement all of the core stops on the forepart of the harmonium. Stops appear like small handles & their objective is to direct flowing of midair into the reed natural enclosed space in order to produce distinct auditory effect produced by a given cause. 

3. You must play the musical notes on your harmonium applying your more substantial hand while driving the mechanical device that blows a strong current of air as wanted with your feebler hand.  You should make an attempt to retain a stable musical rhythm when you are pushing the bellows.

You can learn Indian music online on harmonium at our Indian Music Academy from highly qualified trainers. Consistent classical music training sessions are being conducted for the learners with the special curriculum mapping plan.